
Data of the future is data you can trust

Empeiria’s end-to-end decentralized identity infrastructure. Simplify your digital interactions with verifiable, resuable, and decentralized data. Enter a new era of efficiency, security, and compliance through


Premium Stock Footage Collections

RawFilm is the world's first subscription-based stock footage platform with premium 8K content shot on RED Camera available for download in R3D RAW format. We are the only platform with a hassle free license and unlimited worldwide use - all of that for the most affordable price in the stock footage industry.


Digital Art with Blockchain & NFT

Ikona believes that modern times require moving with the times and delivering art in a progressive and accessible way. We believe that sensitivity to beauty is not reserved only for the privileged. Thanks to the use of blockchain technology, Ikona also allows investing and patronizing our works and artists.


Conversations that drive efficient customer acquisition

Plan and deploy AI powered virtual assistants to integrate seamlessly with your contact center. Drive meaningful and powerful interactions that drive lower acquisition costs and sales.


Timeless Design

Based in Miami, we are an interdisciplinary firm grounded in twenty-five years of experience, creativity, and meaningful designs.


Flying animals with Pets2Fly

Flying animals is done only with a professional company. We specialize in all the laws and regulations related to flying pets and therefore, we can help you make the transition easily.


Sales Automation

Reach customers globally with the power of automated saving strategies. Drive more sales through the power of automated promotions. Scoupr connects promo codes and offers to 15+ consumer saving platforms worldwide using a wide range of API’s and programmatic tools.
